The littlest Bigfoot

By Jennifer Weiner This is the story of people that are called Freaks. Know them? The ones that stood out, the ones that were different than Normals, the ones that were shunned by society, the ones that were label as ''losers''. This is a story about young children who feels they don't belong where they... Continue Reading →

Exit West

By Mohsin Hamid l This book receive amazing reviews and the hype about it was phenomenal. I was really excited to read and see what the fuss was all about. The synopsis seem promising too: In a country teetering on the brink of civil war, two young people meet—sensual, fiercely independent Nadia and gentle, restrained... Continue Reading →

The unseen world

By Liz Moore Ada's father is slowly succumbing to the Alzheimer's disease and her world is falling apart. Not only because she is losing her father, but because he isn't who he said he was. This is a tale of discovering the truth that a father thought would one day come back to haunt him.... Continue Reading →

The Gardener

by S.A Bodeen   Mason is angry at his mother when he founds out his father is out there. He goes to her work and while he waits, plays a videotape where his father is reading a children tale. There are four other people with him, they are not moving, not talking they are barely... Continue Reading →

The wonder

By Emma Donoghue I received this as a Christmas gift and I had read so many bad review about it that I was sure I would hate it. Of course, I ended up really loving it. Lib is a nurse who is asked in a small  Irish village to keep watch over a girl who... Continue Reading →

The shack

* * * I read this without knowing what it was about. The first 70 pages blew my mind and then...religion appear. This story took a turn I did not see coming. Something happens to Mack while he is on vacation with his three youngest children and three years later , he comes back to... Continue Reading →

The Handmaids tale

* * *  1/2 Offred is nothing more than an instrument of procreation for the Commander and his wife. It hasn't always been this way. She remembers before, when she was happy, when she had a family. Now, life will never be the same and she has to stay alive if only to see her... Continue Reading →

Le Monstre

* * * * * This is a french book and a true story. I don't read book in french normaly because I have trouble with some traduction that are...too french. This was written oh so beautifuly. The words flow like water on the pages. I read this in one day. It is a hard... Continue Reading →

Nailbiter volume 1

* * * * This is the first graphic novel I have ever read and I thought it would be a good idea to read this on the road to vacation. Dear god! This book was creepy and I loved it! It is not for the faint hearted! The graphic leaves nothing to the imagination... Continue Reading →

The purchase

By Linda Spalding   This story is about a family. They leave their hometown because their father married a methodist in 1799 and they were shunned.They decide to go to Virginia, land of slaves. I like this book. It is easy to read and I cared about the fate of the slaves. I did not... Continue Reading →

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